Disappointed in the USW

20The USW has announced that they are going to endorse another candidate. I’m disappointed they didn’t endorse me, but more importantly, I’m shocked that they would endorse someone that wants Medicare for All. Do they not realize how damaging this would be to the union’s bargaining power?


My wife’s family is a mill family. Her brother works there, her grandfathers retired from there, her aunts worked there, and I have friends who work there.


I am mystified as to why they would endorse someone whose policies would take away one of their best tools. Let’s talk numbers for a moment.


There are approximately 327 million people in the United States.


There are 624,434 physicians in the US, but only about 209,000 are primary care physicians. This means that each primary care provider would have to treat 1,565 patients. Provided the numbers don’t go up or down, as long as we get new doctors at the same rate that current doctors retire or die, it is already a crisis. While this is a simplistic formula, the bottom line is that there are not enough doctors.


There is a reason that many people come here to become doctors. They make good money. Medicare pays doctors a reduced rate, and if Medicare for All was instituted, then all of these doctors would either have to accept it, or go somewhere else. An excellent resource that explains what kind of situation we’re looking at is.


One of the truly good things about working at the mill is the health insurance. These men and women work in some of the most dangerous conditions possible. One small misstep can result in the loss of life or limb. While the Affordable Care Act raised our premiums and deductibles, Medicare for All would completely obliterate our health insurance.


The unions used to care about their members. They used to endorse candidates that would bring about positive changes for their organizations and the workers they were supposed to represent.


I guess those days are gone. The union of our forefathers are a thing of the past, and they’ve been replaced by hyper partisan politics, backing Democrats despite policies that would definitively hurt their members. I will mourn their passing, but I will personally not stop trying to enact policies that actually HELP workers, rather than hurt them.


Learn more about me at www.dionbergeron.com and follow me on social media @DionForCongress.

Disappointed in the USW

by Dion Bergeron time to read: 2 min