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Guest: James Sceniak – Candidate for US Senate: Indiana, Libertarian Party

DDD 4.29.22 Guest: James Sceniak- Candidate for US Senate: Indiana, Libertarian Party The United States Senate is one of the 2 divisions of the Legislative branch of government. They're responsible for a variety of important things, including confirming the nominees of the Executive Branch for things like the Supreme Court, the heads of federal agencies, and much more. We'll talk about some of these and where Mr. Sceniak stands on them. This race could be very interesting. There are several factors this election that could shift the balance of power, possibly even enough for a third party to get their foot into the door in a big way. We'll find out from him where his vote would be on various issues if elected, and how this could shift the balance of power in the Senate. We ask all of our candidates appearing on the show to send us a bio and we were referred to Mr. Sceniak's website, where there is plenty of information. More than the two paragraphs we ask for. I prefer not to edit information and always provide it verbatim as long as it's in the format requested. So, here's the link if you'd like to go read it: I hope you'll join us tonight at 7 Central to become an informed and educated voter. Let's learn together and I look forward to your comments and questions live! If you can't watch live and there's something you'd like answered, email me at or comment below.

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