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Guest: Manuel “Manny” Maldonado- Candidate for Indiana State Rep District 10

#DionsDailyDose September 15th, 2022 Special Guest Manuel "Manny" Maldonado- Candidate for Indiana State Representative District 10. He'll be our next door neighbor (legislative) once we both win in November. I've talked to Manny a number of times and his passion is second to none. He's a very inspiring speaker and I'd love to be able to tap into some of that energy! Hook me up. We ask all interviewees to send us a bio and here's what we were sent- "Manuel Maldonado has been a porter County resident for over 10 years his father is originally from Puerto Rico and his mother from Gary Indiana, He Graduated from Lake Station Edison and continued his education at Purdue University where he studied political science and political justice. He has spent time coaching and volunteering at the boys & girls club of NWI and is a dedicated Husband,Father as well as a Ministry leader for a faith based recovery program in his community. Manuel is a Precinct committeeman for the Township of Portage Indiana as well as Portage GOP Chaplain and is Running for Indiana House of Representatives. His passion is for working for the people and being involved in making decisions that can impact his constituents. He supports Law & Order, less regulation on our manufacturing and smaller government as well as being Pro Life,Pro Union and defending citizens rights to bear arms." We're really looking forward to talking with Manny and learning how together we can turn Northwest Indiana into the envy of the state!

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