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Indiana Gubernatorial Debate Watch Party & Analysis (DDD Presents: FtF Dion & Shawn)

Dion's Daily Dose Presents: Face to Face: Dion & Shawn The Indiana Debate Commission is holding the third (and final) debate on Tuesday, April 23rd at 6 PM Central time. Dion and Shawn will be livestreaming the debate, as well as offering commentary and impressions of the candidates. With a HUGE number of voters still undecided, this could be anyone's election. The previous debate was only open to a few of the 6 candidates, excluding both Curtis Hill and Jamie Reitenour. This final debate is open to all of the candidates, though there is speculation as to whether or not Senator Braun will be able to make the event (due to Senate session). No matter who makes it, #DDD will be streaming it, and bringing you our thoughts. See you soon!

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